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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

On the weekend by Marco

On the weekend on Saturday morning I was meant to go to soccer, but I didn't. First I couldn't play because our coach Conan said it was raining. When he texted everyone on Friday he said it was going to be raining. On Saturday morning the sun was shining and it was a beautiful shine.

Secondly I couldn't play because I had an extremely painful headache.

Then every time I swallowed food and drinks my throat hurt like getting smacked in the head with an axe.

I didn't know why that happened to me, and it kept on going all day and all night. I thought I would have died or I had to go to hospital, so I asked my parents if I could go to hospital. They said "No it's fine". Then on Saturday I had to eat  ten pieces of orange and it felt like an axe again but I had to swallow it.

On Sunday night I had to eat some oranges again. I thought I died but I could still see, look, taste, smell and feel. When soccer was cancelled on Saturday morning, my dad wanted to watch John Carter with me so we did.

Then we watched it. Literally five minutes later, he was sleeping and I kind of thought that was a bit rude.

I turned the movie off and he said "Why aren't we watching John Carter." I said "You were sleeping and that wasn't nice so I turned off the movie."

Then he said "Let's watch Dolphin's Tale. I said "OK". We watched halfway through the movie (one hour). Then he slept again.