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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Summerland Production / by Isaac

The production is called Cindy Circus. It is about a girl called Cindy that wants to perform in the circus.
Cindy's step-sisters try to stop her from performing in the circus.

I have the Black or White role. The Black or Whites introduce the circus.

Cindy's step-sisters guards (the lions) bring Cindy to a dungeon where there are zombies. Some mice save Cindy from her dungeon by sticking the guards to the ground with super sticky glue. Cindy gets to perform in the circus after all.

On Thursday the whole of team A are going to do a dress rehearsal. We are going to change in Bethells. On the dress rehearsal day we will have a real audience.


  1. Well done Isaac! I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

    And thumbs up for Mr. Innes Nisbet!
